09月04日讯 履历了厦门、瞎话成都、板专上海,访克怯夫球员 、瞎话安踏品牌代言人克莱-汤普森的板专中国行已经停止。
在中国行的访克时期 ,汤普森接受了的瞎话民间采访,谈及了重回中国的板专感应 、上赛季怯夫的访克展现 、下赛季怯夫的瞎话期望以及总体全新的署名鞋KT9相关话题 。
Q:Hello ChinaKlay,板专 welcome back to China. How does it feel to be back in China after four years? Do you feel anything different? What do you want to say to the fans who welcome you when you walk out of the airport?
问 :Hello ChinaKlay,招待回到中国,访克时隔四年回到中国如今感应若何?感应有甚么纷比方样的瞎话吗?在走出机场看到招待你的球迷时,你有甚么想对于他们说的板专?
A:What’s different about this trip is obviously right now we are building a lot beautiful vessel and I’m floating in Shanghai by this boat so it's beautiful to see the city from the water gives me a new vision to how beautiful the city is.And what else is do is this whole new KT9 I did not have in 2019.It's a new love of my life man.I love to share with my fans in China.
答 :这次遨游的差距之处?在于如今咱们正在一艘颇为详尽的船上,我坐着这艘船在黄浦江上遨游 ,访克从水上看这座都市很美,这让我对于这座都市的详尽有了一个新的意见。此外,我要说的是如今这里有我2019年时不的全新KT9,这是我的爱,伙计 。我也想中国的粉丝们分享这些。
Q:Say something to you chinese fans?
A:I would like to say that I love them,they give me so much inspiration.Every time I come to China you guys make my heart feel so warm.I want to thank you for always welcome in my family.You are the best.
答:我想说我爱他们,他们给了我如斯多的鼓舞 。每一次我并吞中国,你们都让我感应心很暖 。我想谢谢你们每一次都如斯招待我以及我的家庭,你们是最棒的。
Q:Last season you lost to the Lakers in the playoffs, will you set the tone to "revenge" next season?
问:上个赛季,你们在季后赛输给了湖人 ,接下来的新赛季,你们会把基调界说为“复仇”吗?
A:That was hurt.Yes sir revenge season is upon us.To review ourselves and myself personal.I did not play very well to make the series so is a burning desire for us after that,I thought I had some good game last season.But I can be even better next year,I know.I will be in all-star and be a champion and I absolutely believe we will win another championship next year.It gonna be very difficult but we will do it.
答 :娴静啊兄弟(笑) ,是的兄弟 ,复仇赛季来了。看看上赛季咱们球队以及我自己的展现,我在那个系列赛打患上欠好,以是输球之后我的(复仇)的渴想颇为飞腾,我以为上赛季老例赛我打出了一些不错的角逐,但我知道我下赛季可能做患上更好。
我会再度回到全明星 ,再度成为一位赢家,我相对于信托咱们还可能拿到一个冠军 ,我知道这很难,但明年咱们会做到的。
Q:Stephen Curry once said in 2021 he said, 'No one will want to meet us next season' and won the championship. For you, do you have any goals set for next season?
A:We will be back.We will be back on top.
答:咱们会归来的,咱们会重回高峰 。
Q:Do you think there are any other opponents in the Western Conference that need attention next season besides the Lakers?
问 :你感应除了湖人 ,下赛季西部尚有哪些需要留意的对于手?
A:Have to pay attention to Denver Nuggets,they have the best basketball player right now Nikola Jokic,the whole team is very good like good one.Also Los Angeles Lakers I still need to say,and Sacramento and Phoenix.
Q:Next Part Let’s talk something about Hupu.Based on your understanding of your tea妹妹ates, we would like to ask you some questions of them.You may check your career data in Basketball Reference or ESPN in USA,But in China we can use Hupu to make it, So we want to know base on this data if you can guess which of your tea妹妹ates they are.
问:下一关键咱们来聊聊,我知道你们个别在Basketball Reference概况ESPN查问你们的数据 ,可是在中国咱们可能经由查到你们的数据,咱们想凭证你对于你的队友的清晰,用这些数据截图问你一些下场,凭证这些数据,你能猜出这些各自是哪位你的队友吗?
A:35% in the left side,not so good,but did well in the right side...you say it's my tea妹妹ate?Not me?(Might be you yourself)Oh it’s me.
答:左侧三分35%,这不是很好,可是右侧三分不错......你说这是我的队友,不是我?(回应 :可能是你自己)噢 ,那便是我 。
A:Too easy my guy Stephen Curry.
A:Kevon Looney,right,3 for 3 oh I’m so good.
答:凯文-卢尼吧,对于 ,3中3,我太棒了。
A:Still Klay Thompson
A:Too easy...man you know I'm a big basketball fan,it's my new tea妹妹ate Chris Paul.
答 :过重大了...兄弟,你知道我也是个狂热的篮球迷 ,这是我的新队友 ,保罗。
Q:There are many changes in the appearance between KT9 and KT7 or 8. Can you share with us your suggestions or requirements during the design phase?
问 :KT9比力KT7以及KT8有良多变更,你可能给咱们分享你在KT9妄想历程中给到的意见吗 ?
A:You know i just said that KT9 is my love in life now,I think my shoes need to provide sufficient security and stability,and I like wave and boat.And ANTA made all these things come true.This completely exceeded my expectation.
答:你知道,我适才说过KT9是我最爱的一双鞋 ,我以为我的鞋需讨饶富清静晃动,而后我喜爱海浪、喜爱船,安踏让这所有欠缺融会 ,这残缺逾越了我的预期。
Q:The KT9 series has a lot of co-branding and Chinese style color schemes. Can you share your favorite color scheme?
问 :KT9已经有良多美不雅的配色以及联名,哪一个是你最喜爱的配色?
A:This one i wear,this is my favorite one.You know Captain Klay in the Bay.
答:我最喜爱我脚上这双KT9 湾区魅影配色,你知道的,船主克莱在湾区 。
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